Monday, September 10, 2007

Journall Entry #7

On Friday afternoon, we held a birthday party for a friend of mine and she is ALP student too. This is a surprised party so she thought we were going to have dinner and then go to the concert together. We prepared everything and waiting for her so when she came in, she really got a big surprised and she looks so happy. We sing birthday song for her and then asked her to make three wishes. After that she opened every presents and read the birthday card from us and she said “thank you” for thousand times. We talked a lot and I am glad they invited me to this party because I really have a good time and the most important is she feels warm in here. Lot of people around her and also sing birthday song for her so she is not alone.

1 comment:

V.Thao said...

Maggie,i don't find litle of paragraph. You have double space your paragraph.